Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Not "Just Another Day"

We want to start off by giving a big "Thank you" to everyone who has helped us prepare for this trip mentally and physically. Opportunities like this do not happen on their own, and it is with all of your assistance that we are here tonight.

We are glad to say this evening, that we have safely touched down upon Ecuadorian soil at 9:45pm. Today´s journey, however, begins tweleve hours earlier, in Philly International as we watched anxiously, our checked baggage, one-by-one, weighing in at around the mid-forty lb. range, dangerously close to the airline´s 50 lb. weight restriction.

Becoming suprisingly close, more than once, we passed the test, and were on our way to the international gates. Well...our first flight to Atlanta, went smoothy and after a short layover we were officially en route...a mere five hours from now we would reach our final destination, Quito, Ecuador!

All too soon, many of our initial questions would be answered, and our arrival would spark so many more into our minds, "How difficult will our first day of travel be? How will we be recieved once we arrive? Will the reality of all we have researched, read, and studied about Ecuador be true to our expectations?

Dinner was served, in-flight shows were watched, and magazine quizes were taken, as all the while the anticipation built within each of us. Looking outside the plane´s windows down upon Quito, the scene was that of any other major city you would find in the U.S. Taco Bell, T.G.I.Friday´s, and Chevrolet dealerships illuminated the city streets as we made our final descent.

As the plane landed we followed our fellow passengers down the concourse to Customs, us now offically "Strangers in a Strange Land." Crowds of friends and family members looked down upon us, and the other passengers waiting to go through Customs, from the above mezzanine.

In no time at all, and what seemed like a mere flash of our passports, did we collect our bags, (They all made it!) and meet up with our driver from Holbrook Travel. A short drive through the city streets and we arrived at the Four Points Sheraton, our lodging for the next two nights.

This may not be technically "roughin´it" but we all felt that there was no better way to ease into this experience after a long day of travel, than what we had walked into tonight. Valet service, fancy restaurants, and an indoor water wall descending at least twenty feet are just a few of the treats the Sheraton has in store for us. We know this kind of accomodation will most likely not be commonplace throughout the remander of this trip, and we are certainly going to take advantage of it while we are here. In fact, we even made it to our rooms in time to catch the end of the Florida/Ohio State game, go Gators!

Tomorrow, Hector, our guide for the next few days will be meeting us and taking us around Quito, where we will explore the Botanic Gardens of Quito, and meet with it´s director, Carolina Jijon, also tomorrow, we will be learning some of the unique and eclectic history of Quito.

I apologize as there are no photos to post just yet. It is quite late, and we wanted to get this blog started, not to mention this is being typed on a Spanish keyboard, and Internet in Ecuador is not quite the same as in the States, believe it or not everything is in Spanish...who knew? Do not fear the we are getting the hang of this pretty fast!



Christina and Tee Jay said...

Congratulations on "low-weight" bags (yeah, right!), safe flights, and your arrival into Ecuador! I wish all six of you a wonderful trip, and I know that many of us (friends and family members) will be anxious to see each blog post. Now, get out there, be safe, and HAVE FUN!!

brightfuture said...

Buenas dias amigos! Glad to hear your trip got off to a safe start! Nick and I are very much looking forward to photos and more tales from Ecuador to distract us from our daily work here in PA. Hasta luego!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear all of you and your luggage made it "safe and sound". Enjoy your "ritzy" accommodations while you can! Have a great time in the capital city. Tell the "chaperone" I miss him. It's too quiet at home! Thanks for the great description of your first day. Keep it up and can't wait to see some pics.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are having a good time so far... good luck as the rest of your trip unfolds. Keep up the interesting blogs, all of us in Iowa are waiting anxiously. Have a good rest of the trip!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you have all made it safe and sound. What a wonderful adventure for you all. Something you will never forget. Be safe and discover everything you can. We are thinking of you always Tee. Have a wonderful time.
It is so great to be able to read about your trip each night when I get home from work. Hoping for pictures soon.
Grandma Lorraine

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is having a great trip? This is an interesting way to keep track of my brother while he is in Ecuador. Hope to see some pictures in the near future. Have fun and be safe.

Dr. REL said...

Great kick off to the trip. I'm pleased you are there safe and sound....now stay that way! I'm sure you will. I'm so pleased we all can get more than a glimpse into the trip.....I'm very much looking forward to joining you all later this month.

Anonymous said...

As a former fellow I want to say to have fun - it was one of the greatest experiences I have had to date.
Our trip to Costa Rica was with Bob S and we had a blast. I know he will make the time wonderful and you will learn so much. I still look back on my pictures from Costa Rica and can't wait to go back...maybe someday I will also get to where you are now.
Kathy Salisbury (2000)

Anonymous said...

Gracie!! I'm glad you had a safe trip and it seems like you're already having a great time!! I can't wait for the official slideshow when you get back - Take care girly and here's some big smooches from Wilmington - Mwah!

Anonymous said...

Wow Bob that trip looks amazing!! They couldn't have picked a better "chaperone". We will have to have lunch again when you get back (I guess we could even take Troy). Autumn and I can't wait for the next round of photos. Take care.

Wendy G.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are wonderful....I feel like I'm there with you! You all look so happy and warm. We had four inches of snow here in Iowa yesterday! Can't wait to read your next blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gracie!! I hope you're enjoying beautiful Ecuador - It's 40 degrees in Wilmington so I wish I was with you :) I hope you're having fun and way to go winning over the little kids - you are too cute! Love you!
PS - I'm telling Jen about the guinea pigs!!